
发布时间:2019-08-19 23:40:20   来源:自考网
What Admissions Officers Look For in Ideal College Students
After it was recently released that Harvard rated Asian-American applicants lower on personality traits than applicants of other races, many started to raise questions about how college admission officers evaluate intangible criteria, such as personality and fit. How do they determine “likeability,” “courage,” or if someone is ‘widely respected?”
Previous admissions officers and education scholars have come forward to further explain the use of personality traits in the admissions process, and we are realizing more and more that it’s not science.
To evaluate soft traits in college applications, most admissions officers perform what is called a “holistic admissions process” that takes personality traits as well as hard facts, like test scores, extracurriculars, and grades into considerations. Other factors, such as letters of recommendation, college essays, and school rankings are considered as well.
However, the main thing that differs between schools is which personality traits are considered and how they are ranked and evaluated. The hardest part is that most school admissions officers don’t want to reveal the criteria that is being used since once it is a measurable it becomes “gameable.”
Some schools will look at traits such as kindness, courage, and emotional intelligence, while other schools will value self-efficacy, creativity, and leadership. In general, schools tend to look or traits that reflect the college’s values or that make a student a good fit for a specific institution.
School’s also consider what traits may help to predict success in both college and later career. Most college admissions officers believe that if retention rates are strong then the criteria they are using to evaluate applicants is working.
For example, certain Ivy League schools, such as Columbia, take a very holistic approach to understand what motivates students most. They consider what contributions a student could make to a Columbia classroom and also what that candidate might offer their Columbia classmates.
Within this holistic approach, Columbia considers curriculum and grades as well as context (like family circumstances, secondary school, community, interests and access to resources), extracurricular activities, character, fit, and finally, recommendations from others that provide evidence of intellectual curiosity and promise, classroom and school and community participation, and overall potential for the candidate to make an impact at Columbia in the classroom and beyond.
However, subtle differences in criteria reveal differences in college’s values, and some of these differences can even be noted amongst admissions officers at the same universities. Colleges hold meetings every year to ensure that the admissions rubric is being applied the same way by all admissions staff.
They aim to find concrete examples of the desirable qualities as they relate to various components of the application, like the personal statements, letters of recommendations, and interviews.
Most importantly, admissions officers say they look for a “hook” in an applicant’s file, but just what that is, is hard to define and it varies between different schools. The key for students applying to universities is to try to connect with the admissions officers in the best way they possibly can.
This means portraying relatable and likeable traits that show mature thinking and actions beyond most of their peers. Highlight individual personalities and uniqueness and connect with readers by opening up and avoiding trite phrases and wording.
The admissions process is always developing and evolving in order to help give students that deserve it an advantage. Of course, the process will never be perfect, but the aim of the holistic approach is to ensure that all aspects of the college application are considered fully, fairly, and equally.
最后,小编总结一下2020FALL入学申请季已经拉开序幕,早批录取最早截止日期是10.15号,首先希望参加北美8.24 SAT考试的学生旗开得胜,另外各位正在努力配合文书的同学们继续坚持哦,让我们进入申请递交倒计时,期待各位同学在四个月后录取通知书拿到手软。